Welcome to the Delius Lab!
Our research activities are positioned at the interface of systems chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and the synthesis of functional organic materials. One unifying goal of our team is to achieve supramolecular control over important processes such as (dissipative) self-assembly, selective functionalization reactions, (auto)catalysis and charge transfer. A second unifying goal of the Delius research group is to expand the toolbox of systems and materials chemistry by developing original chemistry, wherever it is possible.

SupraChem 2024 was the seventh conference of this biannual series that brings together supramolecular chemists and scientists from related fields for three days. This time, Prof. Max von Delius was a co-organizer. We cordially thank all speakers, participants and helpers for turning the meeting at Ulm University into a great success!
Recent Publications
Group News
In this year’s Chemistry Carnival, we decided to become older versions of ourselves.

Best wishes and happy holidays after an amazing Christmas party!

Welcome, Marie Grunová, as a new PhD candidate in our group!
Check out our Cover Gallery
Our funding