In this year’s Chemistry Carnival, we decided to become older versions of ourselves.

Best wishes and happy holidays after an amazing Christmas party!

Welcome, Marie Grunová, as a new PhD candidate in our group!
Welcome back, Markus Wiedmaier, as a new PhD candidate in our group!
Congratulations to Dr. Fabian Schwer on his successful PhD defense in nanohoops research! He is the 10th PhD graduate from our lab.
To celebrate Oktoberfest season, Max von Delius was interviewed by the amazing podcast team “Alles Chlor!” (JCF) about his homebrewing and the chemistry of beer. Check out the 80 min podcast here (in German).
Congrats to F. Schwer and co-workers for their research on Nanohoops: Favor Light-Induced Energy Transfer over Charge Separation in Porphyrin/[10]CPP/Fullerene Rotaxanes, now published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
Congrats to A. Sacristán-Martín, F. Schwer, and team on their recent ChemRxiv paper combining nanohoops and chiral catalysis in Chiral Nanohoops as Highly Efficient Asymmetric Organocatalysts!
We had a beautiful time on our summer group trip to a lake near Laupheim this year!
Congratulations to Dr. Xingmao Chang on his publication in Angewandte Chemie about a stable Chichibabin diradicaloid with near-infrared emission.
Welcome to our new Master Student, Emanuel Schuler!
Welcome back, Steffen Volk, as a new PhD candidate in our group!
Thank you, Alessio Carioscia, for your time as an exchange PhD student in our lab, and all the best for your future PhD endeavors!
Congratulations to Dr. VH Shyamkumar on his successful PhD defense!
Welcome to our new PostDocs, Emanuele Spatola and Vivek Wakchaure!
Welcome to our new PhD Patrick Hoffmann and our visiting PhD Alessio Carioscia!
Congrats to Adriana Sacristán who was awarded a PostDoc Scholarship by the Ramón Areces Foundation!
Congrats to Oleg Borodin and his team who won the 3rd place at the Merck InnoCup23.
Huge Congrats to Max von Delius and Sébastien Ulrich for winning the Prix Forcheurs Jean-Marie Lehn that recognizes French-German research cooperation on topics at the interface of chemistry and health!
A warm welcome to Adriana Sacristán, our new PostDoc!
Welcome to Emanuele Spatola from the di Stefano group who will join us for 6 month.
Welcome to our new PhD student Juanita Ferreira!
Congrats to Oleg Borodin on the defence of his PhD thesis!
Congrats to Yev Shchukin who won a poster prize at the SupraChem 2022!
Congrats to Oleksandr Shyshov who won the “Promotionspreis der Ulmer Universitätsgesellschaft” for his outstanding PhD thesis!
A warm welcome to our three new PostDocs Suchismita Saha, Xingmao Chang and Ruth Gomes.
Congrats to Selina Hollstein on the acceptance of her paper about chloride cryptates in Angewandte Chemie. Be prepared for her beautiful artwork on the inside cover!
Congratulations to Max von Delius who has won the 2022 Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize in Supramolecular Chemistry sponsored by ChemComm. Due to the shocking return of war to Europe, Max is donating the prize money to the families of three of our PhD students from Ukraine. Stand with Ukraine!
Congrats to Anna-Laurine Gaus on the publication of her paper about in situ mapping of HER and to Fabian Schwer on the acceptance of his paper about Aza[10]CPPs!
Welcome to Míriam Pujals from Catalonia who will join us for three months!
Welcome back to Andreas Ulmer and Anna-Laurine Gaus who just started their PhD!
Congrats to Julian Vogel and Jing Sun on the acceptance of their paper about the self-assembly of ribose-based amphiphiles in Chemistry – European Journal.
We are happy to join the POLis (Post lithium Storage) cluster of excellence! For that we are hiring 1 PhD student and 1 PostDoc together with kuehnelab (job ads linked here).
Congrats to Oleg Borodin on the acceptance of his paper about amidinium rotaxanes in JACS.
Congrats to Selina Hollstein who won the Fluorochem poster prize on the 1st Women in Supramolecular Chemistry (WISC) workshop
Dr. Hendrik Schröder will join us as research associate for the next 6 months. Welcome in our group!
Our cooperative project about a matryoshka fullerene complex with the group of Xavi Ribas was published in nature chemistry.
Congrats to Oleksandr Shyshov on the successful defence of his PhD thesis about the supramolecular chemistry of orthoesters and fluorinated cyclohexanes!
Congrats to our Master students Pascal Wolff and Andreas Englert who were awarded the Dr. Barbara Mez-Starck-Preis for the best Bachelor degrees at ulm university.
Welcome to our new master students: Anna-Laurine Gaus and Sven Hartmann
We are happy to welcome our new academic associate and (future) NMR expert Dr. Frank Dissinger
Welcome to our new master student Andreas Englert.
A warm welcome to two new group members: Yevhenii Shchukin just started his PhD and Saptarshi Chakraporty joined us as PostDoc.
Welcome to Andreas Ulmer and Simon Weizenegger who just started their master thesis in our lab.
Congrats to Henrik Löw who has successfully defended his PhD!
Congrats to Balakrishna Bugga on the publication of his paper about mechanically interlocked SWCNTs in Angewandte Chemie.
Congrats to Henrik Löw on the publication of his paper on in,out-orthoformate cryptands.
Congratulations to Oleg Borodin who was nominated to participate at the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting from June 28 to July 3.
Congratulations to Dr. Sebastian Beil who was awarded with the PhD prize of the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for his outstanding PhD Thesis on Novel Studies on Molybdenum(V) Reagents.
Huge congrats to two group members: Dr. Sebastian Beil has secured a prestigious Leopoldina postdoctoral fellowship (with Prof. Dave MacMillan, Princeton) and Julian Vogel was awarded the “Studienpreis Wirtschaftschemie (VCW)” for the best degree in management & chemistry in Germany
Congratulations to Fabian Fritze on the successful defense of his PhD thesis!
A warm invitation to the upcoming Mini-Symposium “Dynamic Covalent Cages” (October 25, Ulm University) with the following speakers: Artur Stefankiewicz (AMU Poznań), Anna McConnell (Uni Kiel), Florian Beuerle (Uni Würzburg) and Sébastien Ulrich (IBMM Montpellier).
This winter term we will also have Grace Han (December 12, Brandeis University) and Crispin Lichtenberg (January 24, Uni Würzburg) as guest speakers visit our institute.
Congrats to Henrik Löw and Michael Bothe on the publication of their papers on orthoformate in/in cryptands and thioorthoester metathesis, respectively.
Double congrats to Youzhi Xu who won an MDPI poster prize at ISMSC2019 and whose mini-review “The Supramolecular Chemistry of Strained Carbon Nanohoops” just got accepted in Angewandte Chemie.
Congrats to Xiang Wang and Oleksandr Shyshov whose paper on “inherently dynamic and adaptive orthoester crpytands” (the guest NH4+ acts both as a template and catalyst) was just accepted in JACS! Great added value came from a collaboration with Christof Jäger, Uni Nottingham.
This summer term we will have the following distinguished guest speakers visit our institute: Dave Leigh (May 2, Uni Manchester), Johannes Teichert (May 24, TU Berlin), Michael Sommer (June 21, TU Chemnitz) and Peter Schreiner (July 5, Uni Gießen).
Congratulations to Oleksandr and our collaborators at MPI Mainz (PI: Frederik Wurm) on the publication of our work on Polyorthoesters as Degradable PE Mimicks in Macromolecules.
Congrats to Oleksandr Shyshov who was awarded a Springer Poster Prize at SupraChem2019 Würzburg for his work on the supramolecular chemistry of all-cis hexafluorocyclohexane derivatives!
Congrats to our MSc student Julian Vogel who has been awarded a scholarship for his MSc project by the Stiftung Industrieforschung!
Max von Delius has received the prestigious Hoechst Dozentenpreis in Düsseldorf in the presence of the who’s who of German chemistry (academia and industry)! To acknowledge the creativity and hard work by past and present team members, they will get a share of the prize (ski trip to Austria in March 2019).
We inaugurated an amazing piece of art tonight in Ulm: a giant, fluorescing Erlenmeyer flask! Perfect outreach for our transregional SFB CataLight. Check out the pictures at SWP and Uni Ulm.
Mark your calendars – this winter term our institute will host the following speakers: 05.11.2018 Ivan Aprahamian (Dartmouth), 08.11.2018 Marcin Stepien (Uni Wroclaw), 09.11.2018 Kathleen Mullen (QUT Brisbane), Bryan Koivisto (Ryerson) and Jochen Niemeyer (Uni Duisburg-Essen), 29.11.2018 Frank Würthner (Uni Würzburg), 07.12.2018 Andreas Herrmann (Firmenich SA), 11.01.2019 Peter Huy (Uni Saarland).
Bryan Koivisto from Ryerson University (Toronto, Canada) joins our Institute as a Visiting Professor. Great to have you here, Bryan!
Congrats to Youzhi Xu whose paper on two rather unusual [2]rotaxanes based on [10]CPP and C60 just got accepted and immediately published in JACS.
A warm welcome to two new group members: Julia Villalva (from Emilio Perez’ lab) joins the group for a three month visit and Julian Vogel just started work on his Master thesis in our lab.
We are delighted to announce that our lab has been awarded with a € 1.5 million ERC starting grant for the project “SUPRANET”: Supramolecular Recognition in Dynamic Covalent Networks at Equilibrium and Beyond. Amazing opportunity to do frontier research over the next five years! Click here for the German or English press release.
Rafael Da Silva Rodrigues from QUT (Brisbane, Australia) joins our group as a visiting PhD student for a period of 6 weeks. Welcome!
Congrats to Youzhi Xu and Michael Bothe on the acceptance of their paper on the synthesis, supramolecular chemistry and photophysics (with Dirk Guldi) of modular fullerene/[10]CPP/porphyrine architectures!
A warm welcome to three new group members: Medina Jasarevic and Selina Hollstein join the group for their MSc theses and Zhong Hui Lim who joins the group from Oxford University for a three-month DAAD RISE internship.
Congrats to Youzhi Xu on winning the “Journal of Materials Chemistry C” Poster Prize at the 2nd From Carbon-Rich Molecules to Carbon-Based Materials Conference (Nassau, Bahamas).
We received excellent news today: the DFG has decided to fund the Ulm/Jena-based collaborative research centre TRR234 “CataLight“, in which we contribute subproject B7 together with Prof. Andrey Turchanin (immobilization and dynamic covalent repair of HER catalysts on carbon nanomembranes).
Congrats to Henrik Löw on the acceptance of his “tour de force” study on the scope, structure and properties of self-assembled orthoester cryptands.
Congrats to Oleksandr Shyshov on the publication of his paper on anion-binding of all-cis C6H6F6 in solution and the solid state.
Mark your calendars – our institute will host the following visiting speakers during this summer term: 24.04.2018 Carsten Bolm (RWTH Aachen) 04.05.2018 Ivana Fleischer (Uni Tübingen), 14.06.2018 Marcel Mayor (Uni Basel), 06.07.2018 Birgit Esser (Uni Freiburg).
Congrats to Fabian Fritze on the acceptance of his paper on the four-fold stimuli-responsiveness of disulfide-centered poly(methylacrylates).
A warm welcome to two new group members: Shao Li will start his PhD studies this week and Fabian Schwer will work with us this year as an undergrad (HiWi).
Max is off to a DAAD-funded collaboration trip to Australia, including lectures at QUT (Brisbane), UNSW (Sydney) and USyd (Sydney).
Congrats to Michael Bothe on publishing his paper on the use of 2nd generation azafullerenes in organic solar cells.
2 HiWi positions available (ca. 5 h/week, organic synthesis). Please apply by email.
Mark your calendars – our institute will host the following visiting speakers during this winter term: 24.11.2017 Akimitsu Narita (MPI Mainz), 8.12.2017 Holger Helten (RWTH Aachen), 11.1.2018 Hans-Achim Wagenknecht (KIT), 12.1.2018 Andreas Orthaber (Uppsala), 26.1.2018 Henry Dube (LMU Munich), 8.2.2018 Ivan Huc (LMU Munich).
Oleg Borodin joins the group for his PhD – welcome on board!
Max has embarked on a one-month visiting Professorship at Ryerson University Toronto (host: Prof. Bryan D. Koivisto). Support by the Ontario-Baden-Württemberg Faculty Mobility Programme (OBW) is acknowledged.
PhD positions available! Please apply by email, including an informative CV and a transscript.
Our “Mini-Symposium on Functional Organic Materials”, held on July 10th & 11th on campus in Ulm, was a great success: 12 excellent lectures, 10 enthusiastic flash presentations and great scientific exchange among all attendants (66 posters!). Click here for the photo gallery! Special thanks to Ingrid Bopp, Elisabeth Hofmeister, Henrik Löw and Fabian Fritze for helping out with the organization! Congrats to the two Poster Prize winners: Miriam Hauschild (FAU Erlangen) and Ula Lewandowska (ETH Zürich)!
Deepsing Syangtan (Bates College, USA) joins our group for a RISE internship. Welcome on board!
Réne-Chris Brachvogel successfully defended his PhD today – with distinction (“summa cum laude”). Many congratulations, René and all the best for future endeavours!
Mark your calendars – our group will host the following visiting speakers during this summer term: 5.5. Dr. David Bléger (HU Berlin), 11.5. Prof. Christoph Schalley (FU Berlin), 1.6. Prof. Oliver Trapp (LMU Munich).
Our second-year PhD student Oleksandr Shyshov has been awarded a doctoral scholarship by the DAAD. Congratulations!
The speakers list for the “Ulm-Erlangen Mini-Symposium on Functional Organic Materials” on July 10/11 is now complete: Stefan Hecht (HU Berlin), Sigurd Höger (Uni Bonn), Klaus Müllen (MPI Mainz), Albert Schenning (TU Eindhoven), Christoph Brabec (Erlangen), Andreas Hirsch (Erlangen), Milan Kivala (Erlangen), Heiko Weber (Erlangen), Peter Bäuerle (Ulm), Ute Kaiser (Ulm), Stefano Passerini (Ulm, HIU), Carsten Streb (Ulm). More details can be found here.
Dr. Gastón Orrillo (IIDEFAR, Rosario, Argentina) joins the group for an international research stay funded by CONICET. Welcome on board!
A warm welcome goes out to Balakrishna Bugga (PhD with Anton Vidal at ICIQ Tarragona) who joined the group for a postdoctoral fellowship!
Our latest paper on the “Adaptive Behavior of Dynamic Orthoester Cryptands” was just accepted for publication in ACIE. Congrats to Oleksandr, René and our collaborators!
Our first postdoc joined the group today: a big welcome to Dr. Xiang Wang (PhD with Ivan Huc at CNRS Bordeaux)!
Elisabeth “Betty” Urbanke just joined our group for an undergraduate project (HiWi). Welcome to the group!
We just hosted an international workshop on “Dynamic Covalent Chemistry as a Tool in the Central Science”. Many thanks to our four invited speakers for contributing excellent talks: Prof. Ricardo Furlan (Rosario, Argentina), Dr. Sébastien Ulrich (Montpellier, France), Dr. Euan Kay (St. Andrews, Scotland) and Prof. Michael Mastalerz (Heidelberg, Germany).
This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Fraser Stoddart and Ben Feringa for their awesome work on molecular machines. Great recognition for this vibrant field of research!
Congrats to Oleksandr who has won the Advanced Science poster prize for Molecular Systems at the ERC Grantee Conference in Zandvoort (Netherlands)!
Mission accomplished – our first reactions are running in Ulm, where we have newly equipped three labs. Many thanks to everybody who helped with the move!
Elisabeth “Lizzy” Hofmeister joins our group as a PhD student. Welcome on board!
René’s review article on the Dynamic Covalent Chemistry of Esters, Acetals and Orthoesters was just published in EJOC. Also, many congrats to him for winning the Prize for best talk at the 18th JCF Spring Symposium in Kiel, Germany.
We just returned from our group trip to Frankonian Switzerland: great scientific exchange with the group of Dr. Florian Beuerle (Uni Würzburg) and some very enjoyable outdoor activities too (photo).
Tanya Rogova (from U of T, Canada) joins us for a RISE internship this summer. Welcome!
Max von Delius has been appointed Associate Professor at the University of Ulm. Stay tuned for updates regarding our group move this summer.
A warm welcome goes out to Lucía Morillas (MSc. thesis) and Henrik Löw (PhD thesis) who have just joined our group.
Congrats to Fabian: his paper on ultrasound-induced disulfide metathesis was just accepted for publication in ChemComm and will feature on the inside cover!
Youzhi Xu and Michael Bothe join the group for their PhD. Welcome!
Our year ends with a three-fold funding success: i) starting from January 2016, we will participate in the Collaborative Research Centre “SFB953: Synthetic Carbon Allotropes“; ii) we will receive the prestigious “Experiment!” grant by the Volkswagen Foundation (success rate 4%); iii) we have been awarded a research prize by the Dr.-Otto-Röhm-Gedächtsnisstiftung.
A study led by Prof. Brabec on the photodimerization of PCBM in organic solar cells, to which Fabian contributed valuable HPLC-MS data, was just published in Energy & Environmental Science. Congrats!
Oleksandr Shyshov (PhD student) and Corinna Weiss (HiWi/undergrad) joined the group this month. Welcome!
Double acceptance: René’s and Harald’s paper on the thermodynamics and kinetics of our new orthoester cryptates was just published in the Special Issue “Supramolecular Interactions” in IJMS and a perspective “Small Is (Also) Beautiful: Dynamic Covalent Synthesis of Cryptates” was published as a Synfacts article in Synlett.
Science & Sports: We are just back from a very productive group trip in Frankonian Switzerland, where we had plenty of time to discuss the progress on our ongoing scientific projects and to engage in some outdoor activities. Also, our group’s team won the third place at this year’s Iron Chemist triathlon!
Double congrats to René who just won the first poster prize at ISMSC 2015 (out of more than 350 posters) and got admitted to the Graduate School Molecular Science (GSMS), a program that provides additional support to the most promising PhD candidates at our Department!
A warm welcome goes out to six new group members: Michael Bothe (Master), Sebastian Funk (Master), Lucia Morillas (HiWi), Nick Fastuca (RISE, USA), Mikaela Ebner (RISE, USA), Jennifer Tasneem (intern, USA)!
Our group’s own flash purification system is now operational, including 4-fold solvent switch, DAD detector, fraction collector and the option to perform prepaprative reverse-phase chromatography. Thanks to the Daimler foundation for funding.
René’s paper on dynamic orthoester cryptates was just published in Nature Communications. Congrats! Click here for a press release (in German).
Dr. Max von Delius is acting as guest editor (with Dr. John Hardy from QU Belfast) for a Special Issue on “Supramolecular Interactions” in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Please submit your work here.
René’s paper on orthoester exchange as a new tool for dynamic covalent chemistry was just accepted for publication in Chemical Science. Congrats!
Fabian’s paper on the first organic solar cell based on an azafullerene monoadduct (DPC59N) was just accepted for publication in Chemical Communications. Congrats!
Fabian Fritze has been awarded with a doctoral scholarship by the Villigst foundation. Congrats!
We participated with two teams at this year’s departmental “Iron Chemist” triathlon (400 m swimming, 20 km biking, 4 km running).
Our group’s own HPLC-MS is now operational, featuring 2 binary pumps, 8-fold solvent switch, autospampler, 6-fold column switch, DAD and ELSD detectors, single-quad mass spec. Thanks to the DFG for funding.
A warm welcome goes out to three new group members: Tobias Härtl (undergrad), Tobias Bachmann (undergrad) and Curtis Colwell (DAAD exchange student from Canada).
Dr. Max von Delius has been selected for the Young Leaders in Science programme of the Schering foundation, whose goal it is to help young scientists improve their managerial skills.
The DAAD has selected Curtis Colwell from Graham Bodwell’s group at St. John’s Memorial University (Canada) for a RISE internship. We look forward to welcoming him in our group this summer!
The Daimler foundation has awarded Dr. Max von Delius with a highly sought after postdoctoral grant for our project on new electron acceptors for organic solar cells.
Dr. Max von Delius has been admitted to the prestigious Emmy-Noether programme of the German Research Council (DFG). The grant is worth over one million Euros.
In summer 2014, we will participate in the RISE program of the DAAD. Interested undergrads from the US, UK or Canada can access our proposal after registering!
Fabian Fritze joins the group for his PhD thesis. Welcome aboard!
Stefan Grimm defends his MSc. thesis. Congrats!
René Brachvogel is awarded an FCI PhD scholarship. Congrats!