Building N26, room 345



Fabian was born and raised in Ulm. He studied chemistry and economics at Ulm University and did his bachelor thesis in the research group of Prof. Bäuerle working on the synthesis and characterization of tetrathienoanthracenes. He joined the Delius group in early 2018 to work as an undergrad with Youzhi Xu gaining first experience on the synthesis of carbon nanohoops. In his master thesis he pursued potential applications of carbon nanohoops as catalysts and solid state materials. Currently he is studying the synthesis and supramolecular chemistry of carbon nanohoops and mechanically interlocked π-architectures. Besides work, he enjoys football, darts and cooking.

Publications in the Delius group

ChemRXiv 2024

graphical abstract showing the structure of a porphyrin macrocycle and its complex with fullerene

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 18500–18507

graphical abstract showing hydrogen formation from protons using a porhyrin macrocycle

Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 14179–14182


Org. Mater. 20224, 7‒17
